Summer Moong Cultivation
(Harigobind, Ramkable, Devkaran, Mandhata Singh and Abhishek Kumar) Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Buxar
Unprecedented increase in annual income of farmers is possible by growing short duration pulse crop Moong in irrigated areas of Bihar. 24-25 percent protein, 56 percent carbohydrate and 1.3 percent fat are found in moong grain. Cultivation of summer mung bean can be done in the fields left vacant after harvesting crops like gram, peas, wheat, potato, barley, linseed, etc. In the areas of paddy-wheat crop cycle, soil fertility can be maintained at a high level by cultivation of Zayed Moong.
Selection and Preparation of Land:-
Loamy soil is most suitable. It can also be cultivated in Matiyar and Balui Domat, whose pH is 7.0 to 7.5, it is perfect for this. There should be good drainage in the field. For summer chicken cultivation, the field should be plowed immediately after harvesting of rabi crops and left for 4-5 days. After ten, do 2-3 plowing with cultivator and make the field flat and friable by applying slats. Due to this, moisture is preserved in it and seeds get good germination.
Sowing Time
Spring moong should be sown in the first fortnight of March and summer moong should be sown from March 15 to April 15. Due to increase in temperature at the time of flowering, pods are formed less or not at all, due to delay in sowing, its yield is affected.
Seed Treatment
For the protection of seeds from soil and seed borne diseases Thyreus 2 grams + Carbendazim 1 gram or Carbondazim, Captan (1:2) 3 grams medicine or Carbondazim 2.5 grams. per kg Get it purified at the rate of the seed. After this the seed is treated with Imidacloprid 70W. S. to 7 grams per kg. Treat according to the seed.
Seed Treatment
After 2-3 days of seed treatment, seeds should be treated with rhizobium culture, dissolve grams of jaggery or sugar in half a liter of water, boil and cool. After cooling, 10 kg rhizobium culture is added to this solution. Treat the seed. Spread the treated seeds in the shade for 4-5 hours.
Treated seeds should not be dried in the sun. Do seed treatment in the afternoon so that sowing can be done in the evening or on the next day. Seed treatment with fungicide-insecticide and Rhizobium culture should be done in sequence.
Thriving Species
IPM 2-3, M.H. 2-15, Pant Moong-4, Hum-16, Meha, Hum-1, Pant Moong-2, Narendra Moong-7 Sunaina, Pant Moong-5, Hum-12, MH-2-15 Pusa Vishal, TBM-37, Pant Moong-3, PDM-139 (Samrat) PDM-11, LUM-2 , MUM-337, S.M.L. 832, I.P.S., 02-14,
Seed Rate
20-25 kg/ha for spring or summer sowing. Seeds are required. For co-cropping with sugarcane, the seed rate of moong should be kept at 7-8 kg per hectare. The seed rate of moong in mixed crop is 8-10 kg/kg. Keeps
Sowing Method
Moong should be sown in rows with the help of seed drill. Row to row distance of 30 cm for spring (summer). is kept. Plant to plant distance of 10 cm. Keeping 4 cm. Should be sown at a depth of
Fertilizer Management
15-20 kg Nitrogen, 30-40 kg. Phosphorus and 20 kg. Zinc should be given per hectare. The requirement of fertilizer is less after potato and gram. For the supply of nitrogen and phosphorus, 100 kg. D.A.P. Should be used per hectare. Fertilizers are used in furrows 2-3 cm from the seeds in the furrows behind the ferticide drill or plough. Should be given below.
Secondary and Micronutrients
Sulfur - 20 kg in black and loamy soils. Sulfur (154 kg of sulfur (154 kg of gypsum / phospho-gypsum or 22 kg of bentonite sulphur) per hectare for each crop at the time of sowing will be sufficient. For red sandy soils, if deficiency is detected, 40 kg of sulfur (300 kg of gypsum / phospho-gypsum or 44 kg of bentonite sulphur) per hectare will be sufficient. Should be used at the rate of metre.
The quantity of zinc should be determined according to the type of soil and its availability. 2.5 kg Zinc (12.5 kg Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate or 7.5 kg Zincsulphate Monohydrate) should be used at the rate of per hectare.
Use 0.5 kg Boron (5 kg Borax or 3.6 kg Disodium Tetraborate Pentahydrate) per hectare in Moong crop grown in Boron deficient soils.
In manganese deficient sandy loam soils, seed treatment with 2: manganese sulphate solution or seed treatment with manganese sulphate solution or foliar spray of 1: manganese sulphate solution has been found beneficial.
In molybdenum deficient soils, 0.5 kg. Sodium molybdate per hectare as fertilizer or 0.1: foliar spraying of sodium molybdate solution should be done twice or seeds should be soaked in molybdenon solution. Keep in mind that ammonium molybdenum should be used only when there is a deficiency of molybdenum element in the soil.
Weed Control
Weeds cause great damage to the crop till 25 to 30 days of sowing. If weeds are more in the field then weeding should be done after 20-25 days of sowing. Second weeding should be done after 45 days of sowing. fields where weeds If there is a serious problem, weed killer chemical Pendimethilein 30 E.C. Weeds can be effectively controlled by spraying within 03 days of sowing at the rate of 2.5 to 3 liters per hectare. Always use flat fan nozzle for spraying weed killers.
4-5 irrigations should be given according to the requirement of the crop. Maximum after first irrigation 20-25 days after sowing. yield is obtained. After this irrigation should be done at an interval of 12-15 days. Do not irrigate when the crop is in full flowering stage and irrigation should be stopped 15 days before crop ripening.
Crop Protection
Control of Thrips or Sucking Pest
• Thiomethoxam 70 WS 2 ml/kg to the seeds before sowing. Treat according to the seed and Biome Yojan 25 W G 2 ml./Lit. Spraying by making a solution in water gives good control of dips.
• Trizophos 40 EC 2 ml./Lit. Or is the Ethion 50. c. 2 ml/l. should be sprayed as needed
Moon and Whitefly
Dimethoate 1000ml per 600 m of water or imidacloprid 17.8 s. Ale. Spraying per hectare at the rate of 125 ml Daya per 600 liters of water is beneficial.
Yellow Mosaic Disease
• Disease resistant varieties like Narendra Moong-1, Pant Moong-3, PDM-139 (Samrat), PDM-11, MUM-2, MUS-337, SML. 8.32, I.P.M. 02-14, MH 421 etc. should be selected.
● White fly is the carrier of this disease. To protect it, Triazophos 40 E.C. Per liter or Yomethox 25 g. 2 g/l. or Dimethiate 30 EC 1 ml. /Took. Make a solution in water 2 or 3 times at an interval of 10 days. Spray as needed.
Harvesting and Threshing
When 70-80 percent pods are ripe, harvesting should be started with sickles. After that, bundles are made and the crop is brought to the threshing floor. After drying for 3-4 days, after drying, the grains are separated from the husk by beating with sticks or by thresher.
12-15 quintals / hectare from the summer crop if moong cultivation is done in an advanced way. Average yield can be obtained.
Before storage, after drying the grains properly in the sun, only when the moisture content in it remains 8-10%, then only it remains suitable for storage.
Things Needed To Get More Production Of Moong
- Use healthy and certified seeds.
- Sow at the right time, late sowing reduces the yield.
- Select varieties according to regional compatibility.
- Be sure to do seed treatment so that the plants can be saved from being affected by seed and soil borne diseases at the initial stage.
- Use balanced fertilizers on the basis of soil test to maintain soil fertility which is essential for sustainable production.
- Control weeds and plant protection on time so that diseases and ailments can be controlled on time.
- Yellow mosaic disease resistant varieties: Narendra Moong-1, Pant Moong-1. Pant Moong-3, P.D.M.-139 (Samrat), P.D.S.-11, S.U.M. -2, M.L.-337, I.P.M. 02-14, MH-421, SML-832 etc. should be selected according to the compatibility of the area.
- Integrated plant protection measures should be adopted for plant protection.
- Must do weed control.
- For technical information contact your district/nearest Krishi Vigyan Kendra.