Cultivation of Mentha (Japanese Mint)
Mentha (Japanese Mint Advanced Cultivation):-
Peppermint is such that we all get water in our mouth just by hearing its name. The aromatic oil obtained from it is used in making cosmetics, flavoring different types of food items, making toffee and chewing gum, flavoring betel spices, making medicines for cough, cold and headache. India is ahead in the field of mint production and mint oil is in demand in the international market. Mentha (Japanese mint) is cultivated every year on about 1600 hectares of land in Buxar district.
Mint can be cultivated in many types of climates. In irrigated condition, its yield is more than that of non-irrigated.
As an irrigated crop, mint can be grown in almost all types of soils. Sandy loam soil with proper drainage is considered best for mint cultivation.
Manure and Fertilizer
For mentha (Japanese mint) cultivation, apply 200-500 quintals of cow dung or compost and 120-135, 50-60 and 50-60 kg per hectare. N.P.K. should be used.
Advanced variety
MAS-1, Kosi, Kushal, Saksham Gomti (SY.77), Shiv-Valik, Himalaya etc. are the improved varieties of mint mainly grown.
Planting / sowing
For mint crop, endosperm (sucker or stolon) is used. About 200-250 kg for one actor area. Roots are required. The suitable time for its planting is January-February. But it can be planted in April-May also. If transplanting is done in February, its roots sprout in just 2-3 weeks and the entire plant spreads easily. It has to be kept in mind that the ground should not go deeper than 5CM in the ground.
Irrigation and Water Development:-
Irrigation is very important for the yield of leaves and quality of oil. After transplanting irrigation should be done at an interval of every 10-12 days. For this, there should be a good drainage system in the fields during the rainy season, otherwise the plant gets destroyed due to excessive amount of water.
Weed control
For weed control, total weeding should be done three times in mint crop. First weeding should be done about one month after planting, second after about two months and third about 15 days after harvesting. For weed control, herbicides such as pendimethalan (Stamp) (1 kg diluted with 100 liters of water) can also be used.
Pest and Disease Management:
Hairy bollworm and leaf roller insect damage about 70 percent yield in Buxar district. To prevent this, spray 300-400 ml. Quinalphos at the rate of 625 liters of water per hectare. Malathion 50 EC. 7ml Spray at the rate of per liter of water. Malathion 50 EC 7 ml Spraying at the rate of per liter of water is also suitable for the control of this pest.
Threshing / Threshing and Yield
The first harvesting of pudio is done about 100-120 days after planting (in June). Second cutting should be done after 70-80 days of first cutting (in October). It should not be harvested at the right time. So its yield and oil quality are adversely affected. As a result of harvesting twice in a year, about 20-25 tonnes of mint leaves are obtained from one hectare. From which about 250 kg is produced annually. oil is obtained.