Improved Cultivation of Okra
(Harigobind, Ramkable, Devkaran, Mandhata Singh and Abhishek Kumar) Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Buxar
Okra is an important crop grown in Bihar. And along with making vegetable of its fruits, its roots and stems are used to clean jaggery while making jaggery. In addition to proteins, carbohydrates, mineral salts such as calcium phosphorus, vitamins, thiamine and riboflavin are found in okra. It is cultivated in Rabi and Kharif season. Farmers can earn more income by planting an early crop of okra.

Warm weather is required for growing okra crop, the temperature for its cultivation should be 25-30 centigrade. When the temperature is low, seed setting is adversely affected.
Soil and Its Preparation
Okra crop can be grown in almost all types of soil but loamy or sandy soil with proper drainage is suitable. For this, after 3-4 ploughing, the entire field should be leveled continuously and 6 to 7 PH should be applied for its cultivation. Rich soil is suitable.
Improved Varieties:-
(1) Parbhani Revolution-
This variety starts bearing fruit after 50 days of sowing. Its yield is 90-120 quintals per hectare and this variety is gall disease resistant.
(2) Pusa Sawani-
The fruit of this variety is green in color, 15-18 cm long and its average yield is 80-100 quintals per hectare.
(3) Pusa A4-
This is an improved variety of okra. This variety has been extracted by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. Its fruit is of medium size and short lace 12-15 cm in length and its harvesting starts after 45 days of sowing. Its average production is 100 quintals in summer and 150 quintals/ha in Kharif season and this species is resistant to Bello Vein mosaic virus.
(4) Kashi Pragati (VRO-6)-
This variety flowers every 40 days after sowing and its yield is 135 quintals in summer and 10 quintals/ha in rainy season and this variety is resistant to yellow molasses mosaic and early leaf curl virus.
(5) Kashi Vibhuti (VRO-6) -
It is a dwarf species variety of okra. Its growth is up to 60-70 cm. In this, the flower comes on the fourth knot in 40 days. This variety gives good yield even though it is dwarf. Its yield is obtained up to 150 quintals in rainy season and 120 quintals/ha in summer. This variety is also free from yellow vein mosaic and virus disease.
(6) Kashi Revolution-
The plant height of this variety is 100-120 cm and fruits start coming after 45-46 days of sowing. The length of the fruit is 8-10 cm and 17-18 fruits per plant and its yield is 125-140 quintals/ha. This variety is resistant to yellow vein mosaic virus.
(7) Kashi Lalima-
The amount of anyocyanin is found in its fruit. This variety has higher amount of iron, calcium and zinc than other varieties. The average yield of this variety is 130-150 quintals per hectare.
Manure and Fertilizer
Along with cow dung manure, balanced quantity of fertilizers should be used in the soil for good yield of okra. For this, get soil fertility checked. Normally, 200-250 quintals of well-rotted cow dung manure, 120 kg nitrogen, 60 kg phosphorus and 60 kg potash per hectare should be given in the land. One-third of Nitrogen and full quantity of Phosphorus and Potash should be mixed in the soil before sowing. After that the remaining quantity of nitrogen should be given twice in the standing crop uniformly, first time after 25-30 days and second time after 60 days.
Sowing Time:-
Okra crop is planted twice a year. Sowing of summer season crop is done in February-March and in rainy season crop is sown in June-July.
Seed Quantity and Distance: -
The quantity of seed is used according to the time and distance of sowing. For summer crop, 15-18 kg seed per hectare is required and for summer crop row and plant to plant distance is 30x15 cm and for rainy season (Kharif) 8-10 kg seed is required per hectare. Row to row and plant to plant distance should be kept 45X30 cm.
Okra is sown in flat rows and on ridges. Where there is a problem of water drainage in the soil, sowing is done by sheep. For an early crop in summer, seeds should be sown after soaking them in water for some time and drying them in the shade for a while. Before sowing, treat the seeds with 2.5 to 3 grams of fungicide called Captan or Veeram per kg of seeds. Seeds should be sown at 2-3 cm depth, so that the setting is good.