Cultivation Of Papaya With Modern
Papaya Farming Profitable
Papaya cultivation is becoming very popular among the farmers of Buxar district under the Chief Minister's Horticulture Mission Scheme. With the scientific cultivation of papaya, farmers can earn income up to lakhs of rupees by growing papaya per acre in a year itself. This papaya is very nutritious and beneficial. It is a very fast growing tree. Papaya starts bearing fruits in one year itself and is very good among early ripening fruits. It is a good source of Vitamin 'A' and Vitamin 'C'. Papaya cultivation is being done in about 8.00 hectares in Buxar district, in some blocks like Mr. Rajesh Kumar, mobile number 9507842468, in block Dumrao and farmer Mr. Sudhir in block Buxar Kumar, mobile no. 7004894005 is selling papaya.

Climate and Soil:
For papaya cultivation, it is mandatory to have a minimum temperature of 5 degrees and a maximum of 38 to 44 degrees Celsius. Light loam or barreler soil, rich in fertile organic matter and well drained soil is considered best for its cultivation.
Varieties and Production:
Good yield can be obtained from papaya cultivation by selecting improved varieties of papaya. The details of its main varieties are given in the table.
Variety | Release Year & Institute | Approved Area | Properties |
Pusa Delicious | 1986, ICAR- Pusa (Bihar) | Whole India | Papaya is a gynodiaceous species, female and male flowers come on the same plant. Fruit weight 1-2 kg. |
Pusa Giant | 1986, ICAR- Pusa (Bihar) | Whole India | Male and female flowers are found on different plants. So tolerant to winds, more useful in areas. Fruit weight 1.5-3.0 kg. |
Pusa Majesty | 1986, ICAR- Pusa (Bihar) | Whole India | Papaya gynohycee is a species. suitable for papain and more storage capacity it occurs. Fruit weight 1-15 Kg. |
Red Lady 786 | 2013, Punjab Agriculture University Ludhiana | Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh, | Male and female flowers are on the same plant. |
The time for sowing papaya seeds is July to September and February to March. Seeds should be taken from good quality and healthy fruits. If the new variety is of hybrid species, its seed should be sown every time. In the month of June, the nursery plant should be removed and planted in the garden and immediately after that irrigation is necessary.
Planting Distance:
The distance between plant to plant and row to row of papaya is 2X2 meters, which will take 2500 plants in one hectare.
Use of Manure Fertilizer:
To meet the deficiency of nutrients in papaya cultivation, 250 grams of Nitrogen, 150 grams of Phosphorus and 250 grams of Potash should be given per plant per year. Half the quantity of Phosphorus and Potash should be given in 2 times. To get good yield, 20-25 kg per plant every year, this quantity of well-rotted cow dung should be mixed in equal proportion with one kg. Bonnil and one kg. Neem cake is required. This quantity of fertilizer should be given in equal proportion thrice in a year in March-April, July, August and October.
Disease Management
The main cause of stem and root rot disease is the prolonged stagnation of GM. To prevent this, plants should be sprayed with copper oxychloride dissolved in 2 g/Liter of water.
In this disease, the color of the leaves becomes yellow and the stalk becomes small and shrinks in size. For this 250 ml. Malathion 5 EC Dissolving in 250 liters of water and spraying it is very beneficial.
Irrigation and Weed Control
The scarcity of water has a very bad effect on the production of papaya. Papaya needs irrigation at an interval of 6-7 days in summer and 10-12 days in winter. Many weeds grow in the papaya garden. This adversely affects the growth and production of the plant. To prevent weeds, weeding should be done according to the need.